Re: nfsbug leaving file systems mounted

robert owen thomas (
Mon, 20 Mar 1995 11:22:07 -0600

could this be an automount problem?  does nfsbug actually stat any files/
dirs/etc?  this could cause a mount under automounter.

just a thought.  scary, tho.


o robert owen thomas: Unix consultant. MAILER-DAEMON. user scratching post. o
o         e-mail: --or--            o
o                  vox: 708.632.5768  fax: 708.632.5694                     o
o                -- System Administrator's Dictionary --                    o
o    user (you'zer) n. 1 A waste of system resources; an unwanted load      o
o    on the processor(s) of a Unix system. 2 Someone who uses Caps Lock.    o